
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tigers; about to lost...

Tiger, our National animal is in great dangers !
We are on the edge. Soon, we may have to face the day, when we'll be missing our National Animal.
According to the latest tiger census report released on February 12, 2008 by the National Tiger Conservation Authority, the current tiger population stands at 1,411.

Since 1994, WPSI (Wild Life Protection Society of India) has made a concerted effort to gather accurate information on tiger poaching occurring throughout India. A total of 832 tigers are known to have been killed from 1994 to 2007.

Recent undercover investigations by the Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI) and the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) revealed that the trade in tiger and leopard body parts in China continues to thrive, operating without any hindrance from the Chinese government whilst driving India’s wild tigers closer towards extinction.
Despite all these problems, India still holds the best chance for saving the tiger in the wild. Tigers occur in 17 States within the Republic of India, with 5 States reportedly having populations in excess of 100 tigers.

We may Help !

WPSI has already doing lots to preserve the tigers. Here are some ways suggested by WPSI.

  • Staying Informed

    The more aware we are of the status of India's wildlife and wild places, the more effective we will be in helping to save it. We can stay informed through the internet, current journals and the media.

    Once we are armed with the knowledge of what is happening to India's wildlife, we can take action and spread the word with our friends, family and community leaders.

  • Taking Action & Creating Awareness

    Keeping ourself informed about the peril of India's wildlife is a great place to start to make a difference - but to make a real impact - creating awareness in our community and demand changes be made in India and internationally.

    There are numerous things we can do to increase the level of awareness. For example we may:

  • Organizing an event that educates the public about wildlife
  • Researching products we consume to ensure they were made sustainably
  • Writing letters to the editor of a newspaper
  • Writing letters/petitions to our community leaders
  • Writing letters/petitions to national and international leaders
  • By writing Blogs or at communities on different social networking site, we may spred information easily.

Now, time has come when all of us must should wake up, before its too late. Otherwise we will miss a beautiful creature through movies like-The Lost World !

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